Thursday, March 19, 2009

Step-up to life

Clicked this one in Nandi hills Bangalore, wanted to click some texture and the steps caught mah eye. Step by step we can achieve so much. Philosophies apart i got the texture i was looking for :)

Monday, March 16, 2009


"As you're standing next to me, can't you see I'hv FALLEN". One Glimpse and i knew that this is gonna be in the frame. Fallen from life or fallen for freedom, whichever maybe the thing it surely conveys the circle of life or "Life cycle" in management terms (guffaw) :P

Where there is light

We all wanna run to, where there is light. During the theatre festival in bangalore clicked this one at rangashankara. These are the stairs to the green room. Theatre is like a different world altogether existing in this dramatic world, what a muse. Must say was a great experience clicking there and learning the art of stage photography.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yellow fellow

This yellow fellow stands out from the rest. I love the shades of green :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Been long havn't updated the blog. This one is taken during the fest in mah college "ARCHISH 09". The host was awesum fun and was grumbling over this spotlight following him, that's when i clicked this and got this beautiful shot. 2 days of fun filled activities and grilling management events made the first IBA fest a super success. Will be updating a few more soon, Keep visiting :)